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> 4x13 Never Again, Больше никогда
сообщение 8.1.2014, 9:21
Сообщение #1

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Сценарий: Глен Морган и Джеймс Вонг
Режиссер: Роб Бауман
Первый показ в США: 2 февраля 1997

Разница в сценариях:

Скалли все-таки спала с Эдом Джерсом (убрано из сценария).

Когда в самом начале серии Скалли находится в офисе и осматривает его, она открывает ящик стола Малдера и находит там журнал NICAP (сообщество НЛО, членом которого был Макс Феннинг), и там есть статья: "The Molyobka Triangle: Russia's UFO Anomaly Zone" by Fox Mulder. Так что Малдер знал все про аномальные зоны России, даже статью написал.

Когда Скалли находится в магазине Пудовкина, она стоит и смотрит на матрешку, красивую куклу, которая с каждым слоем становится все меньше и грустнее, пока самая маленькая фигурка не превращается только в скелет. Такой вот символичный момент.

Когда Скалли находится в салоне, где делают татуировки, русский мастер рассказывает ей намного больше о татуировках и их значении для тех, кто сидел в тюрьме. То, что для тех людей, которые сидели в тюрьме, татуировки были способом разговора, без самого разговора – «Музыка воров». Мастер показывает Скалли некоторые свои татуировки и рассказывает об их значении. Одна из них гласит: «Тот, кто не был лишен свободы, не знает ее ценность», Скалли особенно внимательно рассматривает эту татуировку.

Когда Скалли и Эд в баре, мимо них проходит девушка, половина ее волос покрашена в черный цвет, вторая половина в белый, она одета в красную кожаную куртку, и ее бровь проколота. Скалли говорит Эду, что когда-то она выглядела как эта девушка. Эд очень удивлен и недоверчиво смеется. Скалли тоже смеется, но кивает и говорит, что все так и было - только за исключением проколотой брови. Она говорит, что только для того, чтобы побесить отца, она бросила медицинскую школу, покрасила волосы, носила такую одежду и целыми днями слушала The Clash. Потом Скалли рассказывает про свое отношение к мужчинам в ее жизни, про фигуру отца, историю с сигаретой, которую мы все знаем. Она приводит еще один пример, который убрали из серии – «И когда я была подростком, я и не думала о сексе, пока священник не запретил мне о нем думать».

По сценарию татуировку Скалли делает на лодыжке, а не на спине.

Когда Малдер бросает свои каникулы и возвращается, чтобы искать Скалли, он звонит ей в номер, и она естественно не берет трубку. В сценарии поведение Малдера описано следующим образом: как вы себя чувствуете, когда знаете, что ваша бывшая подружка была на свидании и не вернулась домой? Он оглядывается вокруг, раздумывая о своих чувствах.

В записке, которую Эд оставил Скалли, по сценарию в конце была строчка: «Ты выглядела такой красивой».

После того, как Малдер говорит, что Скалли уже выглядит лучше, он также добавляет: «Между прочим, хорошая татуировка».

Описание в первоначальном сценарии сцены поцелуя с Эдом:
Эд быстро подходит к Скалли, прижимая ее руки к стене. Она встречает его губы. Поцелуй очень страстный, разжигаемый тем, что они знают друг о друге. Скалли отстраняется, Эд проводит губами по ее шее. Она отбрасывает голову назад, таща его за рубашку и впиваясь ногтями в его спину. Эд поднимает Скалли, она оборачивает ноги вокруг его спины. Он падает на пол на колени. Стягивает с нее пальто, Скалли сидит верхом на нём.
Татушка его подстёгивает, и её голос только увеличивает страсть Эда.
Камера начинает двигаться к открытой двери мимо них, в то время как Эд опускает Скалли на пол.
Камера удаляется в коридор, дверь квартиры Эда захлопывается, внутри слышатся интенсивные движения, по звукам ничем не похожие на звуки нападения на мисс Шиллинг.

Список русских, который дал Малдер Скалли, там были:
Яков Смирнов - русский комик
Попов Надамск - "Попов" - это популярная марка водки
Владимир Набоков - это любимый автор Моргана, и его книга "Тусклый огонь" вдохновили Моргана на серию "Jose Chung's From Outer Space"
Всеволод Пудовкин - известный русский кинорежиссер 20-х годов

Песня, играющая во время свидания Скалли и Эда - The Pretenders "Tattooed Love Boys"
Бар назывался Hard Eight - в честь продюссерской компании Моргана и Вонга
Бармена играл человек из съемочной группы, отвечающий за трейлер Джиллиан, также он играл бармена во втором сезоне, в серии Dod Kalm

Татуировку Бэтти озвучивает Джоди Фостер, сыгравшая агента Старлинг в "Молчании ягнят" - предшественницу и почти прототипа нашей Скалли. Джоди об участии в эпизоде: I played a tattoo who speaks to somebody and tells them to kill people, through their arm! You know what? The X-Files was odd and I sure loved that show. So I'm sure that's, you know, I like oddness. I like fables, I like telling the movie through a fable almost like a short story fable, but still having there be a lot of authenticity and a lot of rawness to it

Невозможно сосчитать, сколько раз в Интернете задавались одни и те же вопросы, мучившие всех X-PHILES: где стол Скалли?! Где табличка с ее именем?!! И вот, наконец, Скалли сама спрашивает об этом у Малдера.

Названия поисковых систем в Интернете на экране компьютера Джерса: "Magella", "Excited", "Yahoots" и "Infos'k" пародируют реальные "Magellan", "Excite", "Yahoo" и "Infoseek". И еще, его браузер называется "Cyberscope" - видимо, искаженное от "Netscape".

Татуировка Скалли - хотя все называли ее "татуировкой из Millenium" (этот символ появляется в заставке другого сериала Картера "Millenium"), но на самом деле этот символ называется "уроборос": змея, вцепившаяся в кончик собственного хвоста, символизирует непрерывность цикла вселенной - цикл разрушения и вновь создания. Скалли как раз рассказывает Джерсу о том, что она "вечно ходит по кругу" - так что ей очень подходит именно такая татуировка.

Материалы взяты с http://greentree.spybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=252 и http://cleigh6.tripod.com/CTP/CTP-neveragain.html и моих архивов
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сообщение 8.1.2014, 9:31
Сообщение #2

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

-- The title of this episode comes from the words "Never Again" which are a part of Ed Jerse's talking tattoo. But reportedly, the episode title really refers to what Glen Morgan and James Wong claimed were the chances that they would return to the X-Files for a third time. Morgan and Wong left the show during Season 2 to work on their show Space: Above and Beyond, and returned for a few episodes in Season 4. This was their last XF episode.

-- The report that Mulder hands Scully provides the timeline for this episode. The case was opened January 13, 1997.

-- Gillian Anderson had expressed a desire to take a darker look at Scully (and also a desire for Scully to get laid!), and apparently, Morgan and Wong were on that same wavelength. Glen Morgan felt that Scully had been "jerked around a lot by Mulder and it was time for her to stand up for herself"; and supposedly, he did most of the writing on this episode (while James Wong was doing most of the writing on Millennium at the time). The final Morgan and Wong episode was originally going to be something about a haunted house, but M&W decided to make the final script weirder and hipper because of the person who was scheduled to direct the episode.

-- That person was Quentin Tarantino, but the directing assignment fell through because Tarantino didn't have his Screen Directors Guild card and was not allowed to work on TV until he got one. He had directed an episode of ER the year before and got away with it; but the Directors Guild didn't let him break the rules a second time.

-- This was the 13th episode of Season 4 and should have been shown before "Leonard Betts" (the 14th episode). But it was determined that "Leonard Betts" was a more appealing (and more typically X-File-ish) episode for the coveted post-Super Bowl spot on January 26, 1997, and thus, the episodes were flipped. There is some speculation that the episodes were flipped because TPTB anticipated fan (i.e., shipper) backlash at the events of "Never Again" and thought fans would better accept the episode if Scully was rebelling against Mulder because she suspected she had cancer, rather than because of her internal dissatisfaction and feelings that she was wasting her life. Gillian Anderson was disappointed with the decision to switch the episodes, as she said she would have played the part differently if she'd known that Scully knew she had cancer.

-- Anderson said that after the episode aired, many people told her it was so "unlike" Scully, or that it showed her range as an actress. But she told them she thought they were wrong. "On TV shows, you get to see such a small percentage of somebody's personality, because that's what the audience wants to see -- the norm, that something that they can rely on from week to week to week. But we all have many sides of our personalities, all of us have secrets. All of us have parts of ourselves that we don't show to other people. All of us can go home and be depressed at night -- and be smiling during the day. All of us can go home and binge and purge in the middle of the night and nobody would know. I don't think that what I did here was out of character for Scully. The only thing different is that the audience hadn't seen it before."

-- But Anderson found Scully's fascination with tattooing a little hard to understand, and that's why she did volunteer to actually have the ouroboros tattooed onto her back during filming, but she was told it would take too long. blink.gif

-- The tattoos in the show were decals, designed by art department staffer Kristine Lyne, manufactured by an L.A.-based company called Real Creations, then applied, touched up, and altered (for instance, when Betty opened her other eye) by makeup artist Laverne Basham.

-- The demonic lady on Ed Jerse's bicep was inspired by the work of an old-style tattoo artist named "Brooklyn Joe" Lieber, who practiced his trade in the San Francisco Bay area.

-- Oscar-winning actress Jodie Foster, the voice of the Betty tattoo, was a close friend of FOX Television casting chief Randy Stone, was a long-time fan of The X-Files, and was Stone's original role model for casting the role of Scully in 1993. When Stone phoned and asked her to play the part, she immediately agreed. Working with a somewhat starstruck Morgan and Wong, she nailed her lines in the recording studio in less than an hour -- then went off to work with Robert Zemeckis on the film Contact. Stone's only disappointment was that his friend was unavailable to record her lines for any of the foreign-language versions of the episode, as Foster spoke French fluently and "would have been great."

-- Some other interesting internet trivia: In December 1996 someone on the old AOL discussion group posted that they wished Scully would get a love interest. Glen Morgan emailed the person and told her that he was writing just that, and for "Shippers to be afraid ... be very afraid." This caused a heated debate among Shippers/Non-Shippers/Shipper Haters and everyone else. As a result, Morgan posted something on AOL to defend himself: "Well, this is almost as embarrassing as the recent Chargers-Patriots game. I swear ... I have nothing against either side. Mulder and Scully may love each other, they may not. But, as in any relationship, it should be challenged to see if it is strong. Long live the debate! I love this series. I love the fans. I *HATE* Entertainment Weekly (as long as we're being honest). Jim and I would never write anything with the sole intention of making anyone angry. If that is a reaction to an episode, however, great! It's better than being boring. The comment that was posted was a joke. And if it was meant to be a public joke, then it would have been. My apologies if anyone was upset. Never again -- Glen."

-- The comment about Entertainment Weekly refers to the special XF Collectors Issue (#355, November 29, 1996). It reviewed every single XF episode up to "Terma" and while they gave a lot of Morgan and Wong episodes good marks, they gave "One Breath" a "B" and continuously noted how much they detested "The Field Where I Died," giving it an "F." They claimed it was the writers' blatant attempt to try and get Duchovny an Emmy nomination.

-- Glen Morgan was particularly annoyed with Entertainment Weekly, as "The Field Where I Died" was a very personal episode for him. So there were a few jabs at EW in "Never Again." Ed Jerse's downstairs neighbor Kaye Schilling shares her name with Mary Kaye Schilling, the senior editor in charge of the XF issue of Entertainment Weekly. When Kaye Schilling is shown cleaning out her bird cage, viewers can very noticeably see an issue of Entertainment Weekly lining the bottom. The caption on the issue was "The Wisest Man in Hollywood" and the picture was reportedly of XF producer Bob Goodwin.

-- Ed Jerse's boss's name is Mrs. Shima-Tsuno; Linda Shima-Tsuno was the president of FOX's Standards and Broadcasting. Apparently, she almost had a heart attack after seeing the first cut of "Home" and gave Morgan and Wong a hard time about the episode. (She famously appears in the Season 4 blooper reel as herself.)

-- Apparently there's also a little history behind Mulder's karate move during his pilgrimage to Graceland. In the Season 1 episode "Shadows" in which Mulder delivered his first Elvis reference ("Do you realize how hard it is to fake your own death? Only one person has pulled it off. Elvis."), David Duchovny did an Elvis karate move, but it was cut. He did the move again in this episode and called Glen Morgan to say, "I did it again, and it better be in the show!" Morgan was reportedly "ready to go to war" if it was cut a second time.

-- Mark Snow felt there was a great film noir quality to the episode, so he used a lot of jazz-type music for the score. He was most jazzed by the wild, discordant riffs that accompany Ed Jerse as he drags the stunned Scully downstairs, a strange combination of a dance rhythm track combined with "oddball samples of alternative rock."

-- The basement incinerator that Ed uses to dispose of his victims was actually the third incinerator designed and built for the series. The first two were for "F. Emasculata" and "Hell Money." Yet another incinerator, a big industrial unit, would appear later in Season 4's "Zero Sum." (And let's not forget Season 6's "Milagro.")

-- The camera angles and long tracking shot backward down the stairs are a conscious homage to a similar shot in Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy.

-- Scully tells Ed Jerse that her last date was to see Glengarry Glen Ross, and that "...the characters had more fun than I did." The 1992 film, based on a play by David Mamet (who also wrote the screenplay), takes place in a real estate office with an extremely high-pressure sales incentive program. Praised for its drama by some, the film and the play are considered tedious and lacking action by others. Presumably, Scully is one of the latter. Assuming both that the show's chronology roughly matches the original broadcast dates and that Scully saw the movie when it was first run, this means she had been dateless for nearly five years (though she did go on a date in "Jersey Devil"; maybe that slipped her mind).

-- In the original "Never Again" script, Scully says the movie she saw on her date was Schindler's List.

-- There was a love scene between Scully and Ed in the original script (apparently a "pretty hot sex scene" in the first draft), and after Gillian Anderson read it, she made the unusual request to participate in the choice of the guest star, since he would be "sticking his tongue down my throat." Morgan and Wong sent her a head shot photo of the person they wanted to cast, actor Rodney Rowland, and Anderson didn't think he was right for the part. She asked to see more people or to see more of this actor's work. Morgan and Wong then sent her tapes of their show Space: Above and Beyond on which Rowland was a regular cast member. Eventually she learned that Morgan and Wong had written the part for Rowland so she stopped asking questions. In the end, Rowland won her heart; they started dating soon after "Never Again" was filmed and broke up after about a year-long relationship.

-- With regard to the love scene, the story goes that it was Chris Carter who ultimately said "no way." Morgan countered that Mulder got to have sex in "3," but TPTB said that was because Scully was gone at the time. Carter and the other writers felt that every other female character on television was jumping into bed and they were working hard to differentiate Scully from the female stereotype. Morgan's response: "She's different, but the way she is now, she's not human!" The final cut of the episode leaves what happened between Scully and Jerse somewhat ambiguous, though I think it's pretty obviously implied that they did not sleep together. We didn't even see them kiss; and after an act of passion, who gets up and sleeps on the couch in the other room? And what woman puts her pantyhose back on to sleep in? Have sex and put your pantyhose back on? I don't think so.

-- In the original script, there is another scene tacked on at the end of the episode, a guy in El Cajon, California, choosing a familiar tattoo. The final shot was a close-up of Betty winking at the camera. I think ending the episode where it did was a good choice; it was only appropriate that Morgan & Wong's last offering to the XF was an unfinished sentence with no music to guide the viewer's emotions or break the emotional tension between the two characters. And Morgan and Wong were as good as their word -- they "Never Again" returned to the X-Files.
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сообщение 8.1.2014, 9:40
Сообщение #3

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Анонсы серии: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kun5nSNzOs

Звучавшие в эпизоде песни:

The Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys

The Partridge Family - Doesn't Somebody want to be wanted
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сообщение 8.1.2014, 9:45
Сообщение #4

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Офигенно красивая Скалли, имхо:

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сообщение 10.1.2014, 2:49
Сообщение #5

Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 16933
Регистрация: 17.10.2009
Пользователь №: 2

Я пришла ddgrin.gif

The Molyobka Triangle

Какой-какой матери треугольник? ddgrin.gif

Татушка его подстёгивает, и её голос только увеличивает страсть Эда.

Только Картер и Ко смогли без палева протащить threesome на эфирный канал ddgrin.gif

мисс Шиллинг

А глаз у меня по-прежнему дергается lol.gif

Попов Надамск

Вопрос из зала! Что из них имя, а что фамилия?

That person was Quentin Tarantino, but the directing assignment fell through because Tarantino didn't have his Screen Directors Guild card and was not allowed to work on TV until he got one. He had directed an episode of ER the year before and got away with it; but the Directors Guild didn't let him break the rules a second time.

Вот бюрократы! ddgrin.gif

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сообщение 10.1.2014, 2:49
Сообщение #6

Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 16933
Регистрация: 17.10.2009
Пользователь №: 2

Так и знала, что не влезу lol.gif

and that's why she did volunteer to actually have the ouroboros tattooed onto her back during filming, but she was told it would take too long

Интересно девки пляшут... Это вам не эльфийскую цифру 9 наколоть...

This caused a heated debate among Shippers/Non-Shippers/Shipper Haters and everyone else.

Я вот прям вижу какой срач в комментах поднялся lol.gif И чего Моргану не молчалось?

My apologies if anyone was upset. Never again - Glen.

Изящно good.gif

Glen Morgan was particularly annoyed with Entertainment Weekly, as "The Field Where I Died" was a very personal episode for him. So there were a few jabs at EW in "Never Again." When Kaye Schilling is shown cleaning out her bird cage, viewers can very noticeably see an issue of Entertainment Weekly lining the bottom.

И как тут не вспомнить историю с постером "Дня независимости" lol.gif В Голливуде такие пакостники живут.

Kaye Schilling shares her name with Mary Kaye Schilling, the senior editor in charge of the XF issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Так вот кому спасибо надо сказать lol.gif

Офигенно красивая Скалли, имхо:

В этом эпизоде она просто ахренительная. Но на этих конкретных фотках выглядит обдолбанной. Имха, ессно ddgrin.gif
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сообщение 10.1.2014, 4:38
Сообщение #7

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Какой-какой матери треугольник?

А хз, шо за молёбка lol.gif
Что из них имя, а что фамилия?

Ну Попов больше на фамилию тянет ddgrin.gif
Но на этих конкретных фотках выглядит обдолбанной.

А по мне так она тут выглядит жутко распутной, соблазняющей тату-боя и сексуально возбуждённой ddgrin.gif
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сообщение 10.1.2014, 5:07
Сообщение #8

Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 16933
Регистрация: 17.10.2009
Пользователь №: 2

Цитата(Виктория @ 10.1.2014, 17:38) *
Ну Попов больше на фамилию тянет

Знаешь, мне проще поверить в Деда Мороза Даздраперму, чем в Надамск lol.gif Это шо за писец вообще?

А по мне так она тут выглядит жутко распутной, соблазняющей тату-боя и сексуально возбуждённой

Я всегда подозревала, что наши с тобой понятия о бл-ве сильно разнятся ddgrin.gif
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сообщение 10.1.2014, 5:20
Сообщение #9

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Я всегда подозревала, что наши с тобой понятия о бл-ве сильно разнятся

lol.gif lol.gif
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сообщение 2.2.2014, 15:24
Сообщение #10

Группа: Форумчанин
Сообщений: 5625
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 11

Цитата(Виктория @ 10.1.2014, 9:38) *
А хз, шо за молёбка lol.gif

Это реально существующее название ближайшего к Пермскому треугольнику населённого пункта smile.gif

Невероятно интересный подфорум! ddlove.gif ddcool.gif ddlove.gif Виктория, огромное спасибо! yes.gif love.gif
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