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DD forum _ Разговоры о СМ _ Золотые годы СМ (1)

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:24

То ли весна, которая у нас до сих пор зима, а хочется тепла и солнца... То ли настроение хорошее... То ли ностальгия замучила...
Но хочется поистерить.

Будет много тяжелого, но, надеюсь, Инета у всех хватит.
Будет много английского. Кто не знает, переводите сами по возможности, гугл-переводчик - хорошая вещь.

Всем заинтересовавшимся желаю приятного времяпрепровождения в этом топике. party.gif
Поехали! © ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:39

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:40

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:40

-Sometimes it just seems that everyone's having sex except me.

3x04 Clyde Bruckman’s Finale Repose

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:40

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:41

Зелень!!! Зелень же такая оба! lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:41

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:44

Испанские (?) книжки. Наверное, не стравнить с нашим АСТом. wall.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:46


Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:50

Kim Manners:

”The last shot in the picture was Gillian handing David the baby in her bedroom. David leaned over and gave her a kiss, and the camera then pulled back out of the doorway and just kept going down the hall. We got the shot, and we cut it and printed it; the nurse came and took the baby away. And David put his arms around Gillian, and she put her arms around him, and they stood there for about ten minutes, and never said a word to each other. The tears were just rolling down their faces, and the whole crew stood there and watched this in silence. It was truly one of the most emotional experiences I’ve ever witnessed in my life.”

---The Complete X-Files: Behind The Series, the Myths and the Movies, 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:54

По-моему Дэвиду в руку забыли что-то пририсовать, нет? ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:56

-Who is it?
-Steven Spielberg.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:57

Пока, Фиби...


Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 7:59

Бьюсь об заклад, что эту фразу Крис вставил в сценарий из-за обилия этой темы в фанфиках и обсуждениях после выхода FTF. ddgrin.gif Этакий "Привет от Криса, я слежу за вами, фанаты!"

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:04

ddlove.gif ddlove.gif ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:06

David Duchovny:

…I always think back to the third or fourth episode.
I was sitting in the office with Chris Carter, and he actually wanted us to get help. He was concerned with how we were relating onscreen.
He said, ”You seem bored or angry with each other. Maybe you should go see somebody.”
I thought, ”What? We’ll go as the characters? ‘Hi, my name is Fox Mulder. This is my partner, Scully. We’re here for couples therapy.’

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:12

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:14


Какой веселый, а главное вкусный грим. ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:18

Эх... Вот где создавалась ТВ-история ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 8:23

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 9:49

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 9:51


Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 9:55


Chris Carter originally called fans of X-Files “File-o-philes” before they changed their nickname to “X-Philes”

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 9:59

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 10:03


Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 10:07

Автор: Белая Тигрица 12.4.2012, 10:10

-What’s your favourite thing about each other?

DUCHOVNY: Gillian just doesn’t give up. If a scene’s not working for whatever reason, whereas I might go, ‘Fuck it, let’s just move on,’ she won’t give up, no matter how tired or frustrated everyone is…she’ll hang in there ‘til we get it right.

ANDERSON: My favourite thing about David? The tea-cup. (Both laugh) The easiest answer, I guess, is his sense of humour. He’s always looking at the funny side of things, especially when he’s around other actors who are comedians or funny themselves – it can turn into a bit of a contest to see who does the best impressions and such. But aside from there, there’s a gentleness inside him that comes out every once in a while that is quite disarming and lovely. It’s rare, but very nice.

---Empire, 2008

Автор: NikitA 12.4.2012, 10:31

Спасибо за темку, Тигри.
Вспоминаю с наслаждением love.gif

Автор: A.N.Onym 12.4.2012, 12:54

Шикарная тема! ddlove.gif Спасибо, Тигри! ddgrin.gif drinks.gif

Автор: bestia 12.4.2012, 15:37

love.gif love.gif love.gif

Ким Мэннерс о финале так трогательно... ddlove.gif

Тигри, спасибо! Не останавливайся ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:32

Не останавливайся ddgrin.gif

ddgrin.gif ddgrin.gif ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:32


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:34

ddlove.gif ddlove.gif ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:36

-Do you know how much the human body is worth, Mulder?
-Depends on body?

3x19 Hell Money

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:43

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:44

И отдельно чтобы рассмотреть момент с нижней губой Малдера (ничей фетиш?) ddgrin.gif

P.S. Mon, язычок! lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:48


Annabeth Gish’s character was initially named Karen Miller and then Jane Jones before the name Monica Reyes was decided upon. Chris Carter named her after an acquaintance who had an art gallery in Vancouver and later did all the artwork for Mulder’s office in IWTB.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:50

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:52

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 9:58

GA: What do you know about me that I don’t know about myself? It can be a negative thing. I’m a grown-up.

DD: You should not cover up your mole. You should have refused to do it in the beginning, and you should refuse now. It’s a Chris Carter thing. I know it’s not vanity for you. He deemed your face not big enough for the mole. It looks like you have a boogie. For both Scully and Gillian, the mole is fine. Oh — and it’s a beauty mark.

---USA Weekend, Gillian interviews David, March 2000

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:05

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:08

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:09


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:12

Scully: This is Agent Mulder.
Detective Ryan: Hi. Thank you for coming. Heard a lot about you.
Mulder: [to Scully] We’ll talk later.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:17

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:19

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:23

MILITARY GUARD: What are you thinking?!
MULDER: About my son … about his mother.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:27

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:29

MARTIN SHORT: When Gillian came to our house — my daughter’s the biggest X-Files fan, she had her bedroom covered with posters. And you sweetly went up and signed David Duchovny’s name. Which I thought was nice.

GILLIAN: [laughs] I actually drew a mustache on David Duchovny.

---The Martin Short Show, 1999

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:38

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:41

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 10:48

Actually, the set seems almost lighthearted. The two real stars are Duchovny’s beloved dog, Blue, and Piper, Anderson’s one and a half year old daughter.
”Piper’s cuter,” says Duchovny, ”but Blue has nicer hair. Blue used to be smarter, but Piper has eclipsed her in that area. I don’t see Blue gaining.”

---Rolling Stone, 1996


Автор: A.N.Onym 13.4.2012, 15:22

Я уже обожаю эту тему. man_in_love.gif man_in_love.gif ddgrin.gif

Тигри, продолжай! drinks.gif ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:25

Тигри, продолжай!


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:26


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:27


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:29

LADY: Now, a lot of the fans were waiting to see you guys get it together when the TV series was on. Will they get their wish?
DD: You mean like get it on? Get it together, get it on? Is that was you mean? [to GA] Get it on.
GA: Get it on.
DD: Yeah, we get it on.
GA: Yeah, kinda sorta.
DD: We get something on. I get my Scully on.

---SKY News, July 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:31


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:41

DD: There’s an X-rated movie on us. It was called The Sex-Files.

-Did you watch it?
DD: Sure. I was flattered. I think I was called Smolder. Smolder and Skulky, something like that. It had nothing to do with the show, but they had a man and a woman, and the girl was a redhead.

-How was the man?
DD: He performed. He was OK. They didn’t even dress like us. Or undress like us.

---US Magazine, 1998

Мне всегда было интересно, с чьей подачи он посмотрел фильмец? lol.gif
... и он все-таки смотрел его. lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:45


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:49

Угарное промо от FOX'ов! ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:53

E!: Have you had any bizarre fan encounters? David Duchovny said his weirdest was being recognized when he came out of the shower naked at his gym.
GA: I wonder what part they recognized.

---E! interview

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:54


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:58


Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 22:59


The producers considered making Scully’s sister, Melissa, a romantic interest for Mulder but later nixed the idea.

... и слава Богу!

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 23:04

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 23:40

Gillian Anderson:

If you ask me, we should have ended it two years ago. They couldn’t have found two better actors to take over, but the show was about Mulder and Scully. I think it was a difficult transition for the audience to make.

---TV Guide, 2002

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 23:54

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 23:55

Здесь главное не Малдер, нет.


Здесь главное - ГАЛСТУК. lol.gif Мне кажется, они по всему Ванкуверу собирали их. ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 13.4.2012, 23:57

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 0:00

David Duchovny:

Somebody found one of these video pastiches that fans put together online - they’d cut all the kissing scenes together and set it to music.
Gillian and I were watching and she said, ‘I thought we only kissed once?’ It was like a porn movie. It looked as if we were all over each other!

---FHM, July 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 0:01

Автор: NikitA 14.4.2012, 1:32

Это лучше, чем читать фан-фики lol.gif love.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 1:45

Это лучше, чем читать фан-фики

Ты льстишь моему рейтингу. ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 1:47

Один из любимейших кадров. love.gif


Такой... прижать, обнять и утешить. blush.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 1:51

-Do you turn to each other for career advice?
ANDERSON: There have been defining moments over the past four years where we have, not necessarily for career advice, but when we have both been there for each other for support.

-Examples? We love examples.
ANDERSON: Well, I won’t give any.
DUCHOVNY: When my goldfish died.

---US Magazine, 1997

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 1:53


Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 1:55

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:05

Крутая вещица:


Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:09

David Duchovny:

Professionally speaking the happiest moment was when I saw the X Files movie for the first time. I’m very proud of it. It’s very good. I also liked my performance. The story is perfect. It should be told in this way and no other. That was a very satisfying feeling – which lasted about all of ten seconds.


Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:09

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:10

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:12

I don’t think it’s live television, Scully, she just said *bleep*

7x12 X-Cops

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:15


Я не скажу вам, куда я пялюсь. cool.gif Поехали дальше. ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:17

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:18

Chris Carter:

If there are aliens out there, they owe me a visit after all that I’ve done for them in the last nine years.

---Orbit Magazine, 2002

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:20

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:21

Спинка! man_in_love.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:24


In 1x12 Beyond the Sea, Scully’s father Ahab, played by actor Don Davis was actually reciting the Lord’s Prayer when he appeared in Scully’s apartment silently mouthing words.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:25

-We could start sharing rooms.

7x22 Requiem

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:27



Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:31

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:38

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:40

- The world didn’t end.
- No, it didn’t.
- Happy New Year, Scully.
- Happy New Year, Mulder.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:42

Автор: Белая Тигрица 14.4.2012, 2:43

David Duchovny:

What the people don’t know is that we have sex all the time off camera. Mulder and Scully are constantly having sex, it’s just never during the show.

---Vox, 1998

Автор: NikitA 14.4.2012, 12:29

Как он ошибается - всё мы знаем! lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:04

Как он ошибается - всё мы знаем!

А как хорошо это знают фик-райтеры! lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:06


It was David Duchovny’s idea to cast Mimi Rogers as Diana Fowley.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:07

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:10

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:12

TeenHollywood: Who is the dress by? It’s beautiful.

Gillian: I don’t know. Don’t have a clue. You’ll have to check the label. [To David] Is it on the back?
David: I’ve got to put my glasses on.
Gillian: Are you serious?
David: Yeah. I can’t read that. [He puts on glasses and starts digging down the back of her dress for the label]. Rachel Pally.

---Press junket, 2008

Почему у нас нет этого видео?? cry.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:15

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:16


Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:17


The 4th Lone Gunman ‘The Thinker’ was named after an Xphile whose AOL screen name was DuhThinker.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:19

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:21

Mulder: Yeah, but imagine if it were true, Scully. Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn’t I, Scully?

3x05 The List

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:23

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:25

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:26

Во счастливый человек-то.... ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:28


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:31

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:33

DD: To be honest, it’s hard to work with the same people every day - you know, you have your normal ups and downs. So, I’m not denying that there’s ever tension. There’s tension between Rob [Bowman] and I sometimes so, you know, shit happens. I really think that it’s… you know, I don’t know what’s next. I mean, I remember reading stuff where I wanted to steal Gillian away from her husband and I’ve read stuff where she kicked my wife off the set. Now, that’s utter bullshit, you know, nobody can dare kick my wife off the set. I can’t get her ON the set.

Q: So, the rumors of hair-pulling were greatly exaggerated?

DD: Hair-pulling? (laughs) I think Gillian pulled the hair on my arm once. (laughs again)

---HSX, 1997

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:37

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:39

Doesn’t Dakota know the rules??

1. Don’t flirt with Mulder
2. Don’t touch Mulder
3. Don’t call him Fox because Scully will kill you, bitch.

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:41

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:47

-Do you ever watch old X-Files episodes?
DD: Usually when I can’t sleep and I turn on the TV and it’s there. I do watch it for a few minutes, and it’s nice now. It’s like home movies. But with autopsies.

---LA Times, 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:49


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:54


Gillian Anderson volunteered to have the ouroboros tattooed onto her back during the filming of 4x13 Never Again.
It was not done due to the fact that it would have taken too long and would have been impractical.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 15.4.2012, 10:57

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:44

The two of you obviously spark off each other well. Did you ever think up nicknames?

DUCHOVNY: For each other? Well, Rob Bowman calls me Double D. But no, I don’t think we ever did. (To Anderson) I’ll have to come up with one for you.
ANDERSON: I used to call myself Scullbag, but I don’t think you ever referred to me as that.
DUCHOVNY: I do remember that whenever we had to do a shot over my shoulder to Scully, that was called an Over-The-Shoulder-Mulder-Holder.

---Empire UK, August 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:48

Глядя на нижнюю сцену, у меня всегда всплывает ощущение, что Скалли воспользовалась случаем, чтобы сделать ему что-то, напоминающее массаж. ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:51


Season’s 3 Syzygy first aired on January 12, 1996. On that day there was an actual syzygy of Mars, Mercury, and Uranus.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:53

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:55

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:57

Fan: When you shot the Rolling Stone Magazine, what was it like being with David Duchovny?
Gillian: She means, ”what was it like to have my naked breast against his chest?” [laughs] Um … it was fun! I mean, David’s got very soft skin and he’s very gentle and [laughs] um, we had a lot of fun that day. A lot of just… you know… it was work. [laughs]

---Convention appearance, Jan 1996

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 7:59

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:00

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:01

6x08 Rain King

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:06

Frank Spotnitz:

”On opening night we were in a van which Hutch Parker, the studio executive, had rented, and we drove from theatre to theatre watching how the movie was playing with different audiences, and we were at the back of the Chinese Theatre for this scene, for the near kiss….and it was a thousand people screaming when the kiss doesn’t happen. I just thought, well, first I thought, it will never get better than this, but then I thought of the power of these characters, that them not kissing in 1998 could cause a thousand people to scream.”

---The X Files: Fight the Future blu-ray commentary

Я обожаю этот комментарий! love.gif love.gif love.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:12


Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:13


Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:14

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 8:15


Автор: NikitA 16.4.2012, 9:04

Некоторые вещи словно впервые узнаю lol.gif Спасибо love.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 9:40

E!: Sunday night on The X-Files, Scully and Doggett meet their new assistant director, Brad Follmer, played by Cary Elwes. He was on the set where we discovered even well-groomed guests like Cary can’t get Gillian Anderson to forget David Duchovny.
GA: This is definitely the first season where I’ve felt that he’s not here, and I’ve felt his absence. And there’s a certain sadness about that, in me.

---E!, 2001

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 9:41

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 9:42


Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 9:48

US Mag: There’s one [article] this week in a tabloid that says that the two women in your life — your wife and your co-star — are fighting over you.
David: It doesn’t even mention Blue?

---US Magazine, ‘David in Love,’ March 1998

Остроумнее ответа нереально придумать. lol.gif

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-What’s the worst job you’ve done?
GA: Pilot of The X-Files.

--- Guardian, 3/5/2011

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:00

TRAVERS: It’s a very special relationship, that was kind of unique in television at the time when it started. I watched the Pilot again recently -
PT: No, it’s great!
DUCHOVNY: Not that the Pilot is bad, but -
PT: You’re both babies! There’s such an innocence -
DUCHOVNY: Not only babies, but we stink. I mean, I look at it, and I think - I mean, I taught myself how to act on that show…

---Popcorn with Peter Travers, 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:05


Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:06


In 1x16 E.B.E. for the scene in which Lone Gunmen, Byers attempts to prove to Scully the existence of the magnetic strips in a $20 bill, actor Bruce Harwood destroyed $120 trying to rip the bills just right.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:07

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:13

-When referring to hard-core X-Files fans, which of the following words do you use: nerds, dorks or geeks?
Duchovny: I refer to them as old friends.

---Time Out NY, 2008

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:26

Scully: Well, I’ll call Dr Parenti and… I assume that he’ll want to meet you and go through the… the donor procedure.
Mulder: At that part, I’m a pro.

8x08 Per Manum

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:31

GA: Do you think that we could do a non-X-Files movie together?
DD: Absolutely.
GA: And what kind of movie would that need to be in order for, um the audience members to [inaudible]…
DD: I don’t know. I mean, it’s obviously a good question for somebody making a movie, but I wouldn’t… When you ask that question, I mean, I’d be interested in hearing your reaction, because I don’t have any idea what people’s expectations are of me on the screen, or of me with you on the screen. So when I look at me, or when I look at you and me, I don’t have any expectations of Mulder and Scully at all, I’m just looking at— at me and you. So I wouldn’t know how to answer that question. I don’t have those expectations.
GA: What would be the funnest?
DD: Um, I don’t know, I mean, I’m just trying to write a movie in my head right now. I mean I’m just thinking… um… it would be fun, it would probably be fun to have, to play characters whose relationship was more overt rather than covert. It would be more fun probably to have a more volatile relationship, you know, more on the surface.

---USA Weekend, March 2000

Автор: Белая Тигрица 16.4.2012, 10:32

Немного юмора. lol.gif







Ну и картинка, которая меня просто порвала! lol.gif Шедеврально! lol.gif


Я ржу каждый раз, когда вижу ее. lol.gif

Автор: bestia 17.4.2012, 9:04

Цитата(Белая Тигрица @ 16.4.2012, 16:13) *
-When referring to hard-core X-Files fans, which of the following words do you use: nerds, dorks or geeks?
Duchovny: I refer to them as old friends.

Это!! ddlove.gif ddlove.gif ddlove.gif

Автор: Ирин@ 17.4.2012, 9:32

Это теперь моя любимая тема на форуме! drinks.gif Спасибо, Тигри! Столько воспоминаний! smile.gif

Автор: Fenix 17.4.2012, 17:48

Прекрасная тема! love.gif love.gif love.gif
Тигри, огромное спасибо за такое удовольствие и ностальгию! ddlove.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 5:53


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 5:54

Gillian Anderson:

…my lines and my lines and more lines and umm then I’m almost about ready to go to set, and somewhere between the time that I leave here and I get to set I forget all my lines. But at least I’ve tried.


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 5:57

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 5:57

Chris Carter:

I saw at least a hundred people for each part. David was one of the first to come in; Gillian probably auditioned about midway. She came in like a complete ragamuffin, with Randy Stone’s high hopes. He told me she was a Juilliard graduate, which she’s not. She was attractive, but also had the gravity to play an FBI agent—yet one who was still young enough to be idealistic. And she was a new face. I loved her.

--- EW, 2002

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The waitress from 5X06 Post-Modern Prometheus was cast because of her cartoonish-like features and cast as the missing FBI agent in I Want To Believe because Chris Carter thought she would be memorable. Carter loved the diner characters from PMP so much he wanted to create a show based on them.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:09

Фанаты... smile.gif

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:16

Gillian Anderson:

#18. I remember sitting at a wooden table with David on the set when Pendrell was shot and David telling me about this date he had with a woman whose name he would not tell me but it was kind of like the tea that you drink.

---Gillian Anderson’s top 30 memories of the series, 2002

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:21

Я никогда не разлюблю этот кадр. love.gif


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:22

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:23

David Duchovny:

What I tend to play it is that I always want to check with her. Whenever I hear something interesting, I’ll look at her. That’s sexy to people. I don’t play it like he wants to fuck her. But there’s some tension between us whenever there’s another woman around.

---Rolling Stone, 1996

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David Duchovny is afraid of snakes. He shot the final scene of 7x09 Signs & Wonders in the presence of a real rattler. Yet when the snakes crawl in Mulder’s clothes, David was nowhere to be found on set so he was doubled.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:30

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:33

Я рыдала lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:38


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:41

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:42

ANDERSON: Any thoughts on the end of the show?

DUCHOVNY: We’ll do another movie, at least, so I don’t think it’ll actually end. There’ll be an ending image, but by the sheer fact that it’s a self-conscious ending image, I think it’ll be overloaded and won’t work. My favorite image of the show’s seven years is the end of the black-and-white episode, where they had us slow-motion dancing. However it ends, to me, that’s my favorite.

---US Weekly, March 2000

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:44

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:45

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:46

Направление ее взгляда... ddlove.gif

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:59


Originally, in 1x13 Genderbender the role of Krycek (Michael) was offered to Callum Keith Rennie, who rejected it.
He played Tommy in 1x14 Lazarus and organ thief Dacyshyn in I Want to Believe.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 6:59


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:03


If 1x11 Fire were made today, most if not all of the fire would probably be CGI, in 1993 this was not an option. All of the fire in the episode was real fire. Actor Mark Sheppard who played Cecil L’Ively did all of his stunts except for one. David Duchovny bears a scar to this day from a burn suffered during production.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:06


Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:08

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:14

Q: David got married just recently, didn’t he?
GILLIAN: He did indeed.
Q: Yeah. You weren’t able to go - were you working?
GILLIAN: I was working.
Q: That’s a shame…
GILLIAN: And I actually didn’t know it was happening.
Q: Really. Was it a kind of whirlwind romance?
GILLIAN: I can’t speak for that, but it was not public information.
Q: Right, ok, so he’s fine. When do you start working together again? When do you get back together?
GILLIAN: We’re shooting the X-Files feature, it seems, starting in June, so we’ll see each other in June.

---GMTV, May 13th, 1997

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:18

US: David and Tea Leoni recently got married. Were you surprised?
GILLIAN: I was and I wasn’t. At that point, I’d met Tea once and I knew just by the way they were together that there was something different about the relationship than there’d been with the previous girlfriend.
So when I heard, I wasn’t surprised they got married. But I was sort of surprised that he didn’t tell me first. But I don’t tell him stuff, either. I mean, he’s a friend, and I care about him. And once in a while we share intimate information. Basically, we just work together.
What I also didn’t expect is that he called me from New York when he was making his ”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you” calls.

US: How many calls do you think he made before he got around to you?
GILLIAN: I wouldn’t venture to guess. [laughs]

---US Magazine, Oct 1998

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:23

TeleStar: Are there things you wonder about each other that you’ve never dared speak about?
Gillian: Yes, it’s happened to me.
David: More often than you can imagine!
TeleStar: It’s about time you talked, isn’t it?

David: Okay, I’ll start! Gillian, if I irritate you as much as you make out, how have you managed to put up with me all these years?
Gillian: I’m a professional and I’ve learnt to ignore the more unpleasant aspects of this job. You know, when I started out, I had to put up with worse than you. Don’t kid yourself… you’re not as important as all that, my little David! (she bursts out laughing)

Gillian: My turn! Why did you never tell me about your relationship with Tea Leoni? I wasn’t even invited to the wedding…
David: You’re still angry about that? You know, thanks to acting on the X-Files for so long, keeping secrets has become second nature to me.

Gillian: Okay, you can tell me now… Between Tea and you, was it love at first sight?
David: When I first met her for the first time, she didn’t have as much effect on me as that. It was ”delayed” love at first sight.

David: Be honest, there must be a couple of things you like about me?
Gillian: You’re a sincere and funny guy. Two qualities that are rarely found together in the same man.

David: What would really make you happy?
Gillian: I would love to shatter this image I have of being a cold and intellectual woman. The opposite to what I’m like in real life. Apart from that, one of my greatest dreams is to play ”Sissi imperatrice”! The dresses, the waltzes, swooning in the archduke of Austria’s arms… Just thinking about it makes shivers run down my spine!

---TeleStar, October 1998

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:27

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:43


The writers considered making Monica Reyes a lesbian.
When asked about Reyes affection towards Scully writer John Shiban said ” Reyes does have an affection for Scully that is deep and real, but our intention was that it is non-sexual, but on The X-Files, anything can happen, so I don’t want to discount anything. Life is complicated.”

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:45

Одно из самых первых промо СМ.

Такое... никакое lol.gif

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:50


Creator Chris Carter has appeared as a character on The X-Files two times. Once in 2x25 Anasazi as another agent and 7x18 Hollywood A.D as cinema audience member. He also appears in the feature film IWTB as the man sitting in the hospital hallway. He is seen holding the urn of his dog who died.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:51


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:54


Some of the episodes written by Morgan include Never Again, Home, Blood, and Shadows which all allude to Mulder’s love of The King.
Contrary to Mulder David Duchovny is not an Elvis fan. Writer/Coexecutive Producer Glen Morgan purposely made this a Mulder quirk to annoy Duchovny.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 7:57


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Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 8:00


The ‘black silk boxer scene’ in Fire was originally scripted as a ‘Jockey underwear’ scene.


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man_in_love.gif man_in_love.gif man_in_love.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 8:02

Mulder: What are you going to call him?
Scully: William. After your father.

9x16 William

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Scully: Obviously you’ve had some time to think about my request.
Mulder: Um…It’s… it’s not something that I get asked to do every day. But I am absolutely flattered. No, honestly.
Scully: Okay, if… if you’re trying to politely say ‘no’, it’s okay. I understand.
Mulder: See what’s weird is… this sounds, and this sounds really weird, I know, but I just wouldn’t want this to come between us.
Scully: Yeah. I know… I understand. I do.
Mulder: But...

the answer is ‘yes’.

8x08 Per Manum

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Chris Carter asked Mark Snow to come up with a musical piece that would become “Scully’s theme” to represent Scully’s alienation, loneliness, and fear. After hearing the original version Carter suggested one change. In Snow’s original version, the voice could be heard clearly saying the phrase ‘we are near, we are near” and Carter asked that it be changed so the actual words could not be heard.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 18.4.2012, 8:17

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:44

-Scully, get that gun off me!
-Mulder, you have to understand!
-Put it down!
-You put it down first!
-For god sakes, it’s me!
-Mulder, you may not be who you are.

1x07 Ice

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:45

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:50

David Duchovny о поцелуе в Existence:

Yes, I did finally kiss Gillian. Originally, I was supposed to kiss her on the forehead. I said, “Come on, we’ve been teasing for so long, let’s have a real kiss. Let’s make it a romantic ending.

---E! Online Q&A, 2001

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:50


Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:53


The episode Bad Blood was inspired by an episode of the “Dick Van Dyke Show”, titled ‘The Night the Roof Fell In”, in which Rob and Laura Petrie have a fight and then each tell their neighbor their version of what led up to it.
Mulder must have been a fan of Dick Van Dyke since he chose the names Rob and Laura in the episode Arcadia.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 6:53

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 7:01

Пожалуй, это лучший рисунок на тему СМ из всех, что я видела. ddlove.gif


Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 7:03


Я думаю второй. lol.gif

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 7:06

ANDERSON: You should ask David about his teacup picture…
DUCHOVNY: That’s so weird – someone just sent me that shot on my phone a couple of hours ago, saying ‘Is that you?’ And I hadn’t seen it in I don’t know how long. It was taken right when we started doing The X-Files, when I went down to LA to do a bunch of shots at my manager’s house. In between set-ups I was just fucking around, naked, and I put this teacup over my genitals. And they took a couple of pictures, just for us, for a laugh. I was innocent, thinking, ‘It’s my balls. Who’s going to possibly want a picture of my balls?’ And a couple of years later my then-publicist, who will remain nameless, sold them. Here, look…
(He pulls out his iPhone and, after a rapid bit of button-toggling, displays the photo. Empire gives it a brief, polite glance. Anderson erupts into giggles.)

ANDERSON: Oh God! I remember during the series you were really embarrassed you’d ever done that. You look so young in it!
DUCHOVNY: (Putting phone away) And that’s all you get…

---Empire UK, August 2008

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HOST: Who was the first person you told [about your pregnancy] besides your husband? On the show?
GILLIAN: Um, my mom. But the first person on the show that I told was David.

HOST: And, of course, women around the world absolutely love and adore David Duchovny. How well do you two get along? Clearly it must be a fairly warm relationship if he was one of the first people you confided in.
GILLIAN: Well, I confided in him first mostly— I mean, we are close, but I confided in him mostly because I knew that I had to go to the producers, and that was a terrifying concept to me, and so I wanted to experience somebody else’s reaction who was close to the show, and his was … I mean it’s like his knees were knocked out from him, and he just kind of had to steady himself for a second. But we are close, we know each other very well now, because of the intensity of the work, and the fact that we work together 14 hours a day, almost every single day and so we’re close in that respect. We don’t hang out together on weekends, I spend time with my family and he does what he does.

---Obscure, Long-Gone Talk Show, June 1996

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:06

Не знаю, где эта стенка, но я бы на ее фоне сфоталась. good.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:08

Gillian Anderson:

There was one point when we were in a scene and I looked to David— Mulder— in the way Scully would naturally look to him for some mutual understanding about something that was being discussed, and it was so familiar. When I recognised who was in front of me, it was almost shocking in a way.

---M2 magazine, 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:12

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:17

It seems like there was a rowboat scene at the end of credits. How did that come about? Whose idea was that?

ANDERSON: Not ours.
DUCHOVNY: Well, you know we were sitting in a tank in a lot in Vancouver.
ANDERSON: With a crew around us.
DUCHOVNY: And towards the tail end of winter, and I was shirtless, and Gillian was—
ANDERSON: —in a bikini.
DUCHOVNY: In a bikini, and it was really silly. But it was very important for Chris that it be there.

---Deadbolt, July 2008


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Gillian Anderson:

Running through that cornfield was my least favorite experience of the whole shoot. It was full of dust, and I was getting pelted by the leaves, which were very sharp on the edges. My eyes were actually sliced a couple of times. Then pollen would get into them, which was very uncomfortable.
What made it worse was that David was running ahead of me, parting the corn, and by the time I caught up to him, the stalks he had just parted would spring back, whacking me in the face.

---“The Making of The X-Files: Fight the Future,” 1998

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Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:32

Gillian Anderson:

Normally I get up in the morning and work out for an hour to an hour and a half. And try and spend a few minutes here and there with my daughter. Then we all jump in the car, come to work, I work on the script on the way to work, and go into hair and make up, get dressed, go to set, work for about 15 hours — 16 hours, 12 to 16 hours — get done, change, work on the script in the car on the way home, work on the script at home, and go to bed. If I’m a little bit early then I spend extra time with my daughter. And then it starts all over again the next morning.

---HAL press, March 1997

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:34





Ох уж мне эти ранние фотосессии... ddgrin.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:35

-So who has aged better, you or David?

Gillian Anderson: David’s in even better shape than he was when he was doing the series. In the film, he has a scene where his shirt is off. I’m sure fans will be happy with that.

---USA Weekend, July 2008

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:39


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Gillian Anderson:

#28. Talking to David for the very first time outside the audition as he chatted up the girls and commenting on the fact that I was from N.Y. and not really meaning FROM FROM but the disappointment which flashed across his face when I qualified that I had only actually lived there a couple years. He moved on to someone else.

---Gillian Anderson’s top 30 memories of the series, 2002


Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:50

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:55

Ross: David seems as superficial as I am, just enjoying life.
Anderson: No he is quite the opposite. He is very deep. I have to defend him here. He is quite deep.
Ross: Well the next time he comes over I’ll have to play tennis with him, and quote poetry. No that won’t work, he knows too much about poetry.
Anderson: He plays tennis, so you might want to think about that. If you play basketball with him, he will cream you.

---Jonathan Ross, Nov 2002

Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:56


Автор: Белая Тигрица 19.4.2012, 9:59

Автор: bestia 19.4.2012, 16:27

Калум не стал Крайчиком - вот те на smile.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:27

Цитата(bestia @ 20.4.2012, 4:27) *
Калум не стал Крайчиком - вот те на smile.gif

Не Крайчеком. Там идет речь о роли, которую Крайчек (ну то есть актер, исполнявший позднее роль Крайчека) играл в серии "Перевертыш" - роль маньяка-трансвестита.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:39

Хочу такой же кабинет:



Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:42


Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:44


David Duchovny’s older brother Daniel Ducovny plays Piney a baseball player in 6x20 The Unnatural. He also directed an episode of Californication and The Red Shoe Diaries.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:45

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:48

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:51

SCULLY: Mulder… Hi.
MULDER: ..Who are you?..
SCULLY: … Oh my God. Don’t do that to me… Do you know? Do you have any idea what you’ve been through?
MULDER: Only what I see in your face… Anybody miss me?

8x15 Deadalive

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:52


Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:53

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:55

Gillian Anderson:

#24. Lying on the floor eight months pregnant and being pushed by someone across the floor to simulate me “crawling” because I was so big and my belly was in the way and I could not do it myself. I think it was "Duane Barry".

---Gillian Anderson’s top 30 memories of the series, 2002

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 7:58

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:00


Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:01

Джиллиан в блуппере:


Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:04


Нафига ему подсовывают палку, если он и так отломал ножку от стула? lol.gif И почему нельзя было сделать монтаж? Эта рука меня убивает. lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:06



Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:08

-You go ahead and drink it. It’s the logical choice, you’re a woman and you have more fatty tissues.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:11

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:15

Gillian Anderson:

In the past, I’ve gone towards dangerous men. I wouldn’t consider Tom Cruise dangerous. I do think David Duchovny is dangerous.

---Cosmo, May 1999

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:19


Обожаю юмор Малдера. lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:19

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:22


The actor who played Ranger Larry Moore in the episode 1x19 Darkness Falls has been David Duchovny’s best friend since childhood. He also plays an FBI agent in FTF but is uncredited. He encouraged David to get into acting and went to the same school with JFK Jr.
There is an interesting story about Beghe and Scientology on his wiki page. Beghe was a Scientologist and while so his friendship with David suffered because the church viewed David as suppressive person.

Автор: Белая Тигрица 20.4.2012, 8:25

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