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> 3x13 Syzygy, Сизигия
сообщение 23.12.2013, 12:36
Сообщение #1

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
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Сценарий: Крис Картер
Режиссер: Роб Бауман
Первый показ в США: 26 января 1996

Заглавие эпизода - Сизигия - "парад планет". Это астрономический термин, означающий особое расположение планет, когда они выстраиваются в одну линию. Первый показ эпизода состоялся на самом деле во время сизигия Марса, Урана и Меркурия - хотя она достигла апогея 9 января.

Название городка - Comity - в переводе означает "вежливость", "уважение". Когда Малдер и Скалли въезжают в город, дорожный знак на их пути гласит "Вы покидаете Comity", и это сразу становится заметно - напрочь теряют всякое уважение. А на выезде из города - знак "Вы въезжаете в Comity" (и все возвращается в нормальное состояние).
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сообщение 23.12.2013, 12:45
Сообщение #2

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

-- Terri and Margi attend "Grover Cleveland Alexander High School" which is a reference to the only incorrect answer (or question) that David Duchovny gave during regular play on his celebrity Jeopardy appearance. The answer was: "This president was named for the reverend Stephen Grover, of Caldwell, New Jersey" and Duchovny answered, "Who is Grover Cleveland Alexander?" (The correct answer/question was "Who is Grover Cleveland?" (In defending his answer, Duchovny said later that he thought he was still on the Sports category, and confused the pitcher (Alexander) with the president (Cleveland).) Duchovny lost the game in Final Jeopardy, where the final answer/question was "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -- the book Scully was reading in "War of the Coprophages."

-- There are a few references to the X-Files video game in this episode: The motel in the game is the Comity motel, and the lead character in the game, Craig Wilmore, is mentioned as one of the basketball players during practice. The actor who plays the basketball player, Jordan Lee Williams, provides the voice of Agent Craig Wilmore in the 1998 X-Files video game.

-- After the Death by Bleachers incident, Scully arrives at the gym at 5:10 a.m. What time was basketball practice?

-- It's no wonder our XF timeline is so screwed up: Scully says that she has been working with Mulder for two years. The date that M&S are paired up in the "Pilot" episode is March 6, 1992, which would make it at least four years since she was assigned to the X-Files.

-- "Syzygy" provides us with some insight in the Mulder/Scully perspective -- To Scully, it's a "ditch." To Mulder, it's just "following up a lead."

-- Principal Bob's comment about "naked movie star games" is likely a reference to the McMartin preschool case, which created a panic and hysteria similar to that experienced by the townsfolk in "Syzygy." In 1983, the mother of a child attending the McMartin preschool in California complained to the police that her son had been sexually abused by members of the McMartin family, who operated the preschool. Following the accusation, several hundred children were questioned, and eventually, 360 children were identified as having been sexually abused. A moral panic followed, touching off a witch hunt in which network news shows claimed that sexual abuse in schools and day-care centers was nationwide and rampant. Some of the children's accusations were bizarre, including a story about a game called "Naked Movie Star" in which they were photographed nude. No pornography was ever found; and experts agreed that questioning tactics by those investigating the case may have created false-memory syndrome in the children. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990.

-- The cross dressing doctor, R. W. Godfrey, has a name that is quite close to that of co-executive producer, R. W. Goodwin.

-- Perhaps the biggest X-File in this episode is why anyone would attend Terri and Margi's birthday party.

-- The musical interlude (accompanying the Keystone Kops movie on the TV) is "Sabre Dance," written by Armenian composer Aram Khatchaturian (1903-1978). It was written in 1942 for the ballet Gayane.

-- The script originally called for Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange to be playing on every channel as Mulder and Scully played with the remote controls in their motel rooms, but the footage proved so expensive, the producer settled for clips of the Keystone Kops, which in retrospect worked better in Chris Carter's eyes. "As is often the case, what you're compelled to use is better than what you (initially) wanted," he observed, reflecting the show's philosophy of making the most of available resources.

-- The scene where Scully asks Mulder why he always has to drive, and he responds by ribbing her about her height and inability to reach the pedals, grew out of long-time nitpicking by fans about such matters, among them the fact that Mulder usually drives the car. Carter made the exact same joke about Gillian Anderson's "little feet" long before the episode aired at an XF convention in Pasadena, California. "Those are comments that have come on the Internet from the beginning," said Gillian Anderson (who thought the line was "hysterical." "The fans were always picking apart aspects of the show that had nothing to do with the show per se," she said.

-- Madame Zirinka tells Mulder that the events occurring because of the alignment of the planets are "bad like an Irwin Allen movie." Irwin Allen was a television and film producer nicknamed the "Master of Disaster" for his work in the disaster film genre. He produced the 1972 version of The Poseidon Adventure and produced and co-directed 1974's The Towering Inferno. Allen was also responsible for the 1960s TV series Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, The Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants, and Swiss Family Robinson.

-- What's a little game of "one-upmanship" between best friends? And as Terri reminds us, "best friends are supposed to stick together, right?"

-- When Mulder brings Margi into the police station, the time is 11:48 (Chris Carter's wife, Dori Pierson, was born 11/21/48).

-- After the stroke of midnight, Mulder and Scully are back in synch again, even shouting the "put that gun down!" line together.

-- Another priceless moment: our heroes getting in the car to leave Comity, with Mulder squeezing into the passenger seat with no leg room, as Scully adjusts the driver's seat to accommodate her little legs.

-- Dana Wheeler-Nicholson (Detective White) is the granddaughter of Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, who started DC Comics (home of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman). Unfortunately the Major was financially squeezed out of the company so the family has no connection with DC Comics today.

-- Lisa Robin Kelley (Terri Roberts) played Laurie Forman on That 70's Show.

-- The "Two Guys" from the comedy sitcom Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place made guest appearances on the XF: Ryan Reynolds in this episode playing Jay "Boom" DeBoom, and in Season 6, Richard Ruccolo playing Agent Peyton Ritter in "Tithonus."

-- Garry Davey (Bob Spitz) was a four-time retread, also playing Hunter in "Eve," Dr. Keats in "Roland," and a Captain in "End Game." Davey is also the Artistic Director for the William B. Davis Centre for Actor's Study.

-- Other Once and Future Retreads: Denalda Williams (Zirinka) also played Marilyn in "Irresistible." Gabrielle Miller (Brenda Summerfield) played Paula Gray in "Our Town." Tim Dixon (Dr. Richard Godfrey) played Bob in "Duane Barry."

-- When "Syzygy" aired, some hard-core fans on the internet were critical of the episode, not realizing that Mulder and Scully's uncharitable and at times hostile behavior toward each other partly stemmed from the planetary forces that also affected Margi and Terri. "Chris wanted to keep it kind of abstract," admitted director Rob Bowman.

-- Carter remained somewhat bemused by reaction to the episode. "There were all sorts of hints that no one got, apparently," he noted (beginning with the camera panning past the road sign that said "Leaving Comity" mentioned above, and lines like "relationships are gonna suck"). "That's one of the risks you run, that people become so hopeful and familiar and comfortable with something that when you turn it on its head, they don't understand it." Others got it but simply objected because of their desire for Mulder and Scully to get together on a more social level. At least one group of fans in San Francisco savored the show, printing up tee-shirts that featured the show's most famous line.

-- When it originally aired, "Syzygy" had the misfortune of following "War of the Coprophages," which for some fans was one too many satiric and offbeat (not to mention Jealous!Scully) episodes in a row. But taking it out of that context and viewing it simply as a stand-alone episode, "Syzygy" has some genuinely funny laugh-out-loud moments and Duchovny and Anderson seem to enjoy poking fun at their on-screen personas and the relationship between the two characters. And if nothing else, it gave you hope that one day the usually in synch Mulder and Scully would solve the mystery of the horny beast. Sure. Fine. Whatever.
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сообщение 23.12.2013, 12:49
Сообщение #3

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Анонсы серии: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHH9lrWGop4
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сообщение 23.12.2013, 12:57
Сообщение #4

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Музыка, звучавшая в эпизоде:

Live - All Over You

Sabre Dance - Aram Khachaturian
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сообщение 23.12.2013, 13:06
Сообщение #5

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Такие злюки ddlove.gif ddgrin.gif

- Надеюсь, ты не думаешь, что она девственница?
- Я даже не думаю, что она блондинка.

lol.gif lol.gif
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сообщение 23.12.2013, 13:14
Сообщение #6

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 13323
Регистрация: 19.10.2009
Пользователь №: 6

Чуть не изнасиловала мальчика! mad.gif ddgrin.gif

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сообщение 3.6.2014, 19:42
Сообщение #7

Группа: Форумчанин
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сообщение 25.6.2014, 12:38
Сообщение #8

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Белая Тигрица
сообщение 19.7.2014, 11:56
Сообщение #9

Группа: Модератор
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Из: палаты №6.
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Чуть не изнасиловала мальчика!

Блин, как же я эту тетку не перевариваю! mad.gif
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