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> w Pam Adlon, 29.03.2019
Белая Тигрица
сообщение 31.3.2019, 3:44
Сообщение #1

Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 16929
Регистрация: 18.10.2009
Из: палаты №6.
Пользователь №: 3

Pinching myself. We got another season. With the way the world is and mergers and craziness. I can’t believe we get to make more shows. TOI TOI TOI! This is a picture of me and my old pal. He’s not in the show this season. He’s just my proud buddy. We had lunch today. He’s one of the people who helped me get to the place I am today. Have fun with episode 5 tonight “NO LIMIT”
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