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DD forum > Песочница > Джиллиан
Never After – Collaboration
Gillian Anderson stars as the narrator in a teaser for the re-telling of classic fairy tales like you've never seen before. Directed by Jessica Fox (author of Three Things Yo Need To Know About Rockets & Sara Wolkowitz (director of Still On The Road). Produced by Oz Thakkar at Silent Treatment, for Diana Phillips (producer of Bad Lieutenant, Death At A Funeral & Alfie).

Dir: Sara Wolkowitz, Jessica Fox
Promo Trailer for TV
As a promo trailer for a fantasy based children's TV show Sara and Jessica had conceived a one take trailer with all in camera effects, based around a mystical forest.
Shot in BBC Studios we created a growing forest, with moving trees, a flying heart and a rig to remove Gillian Anderson's dress(!) whilst she narrated to camera all the whole time.

Видео: http://player.vimeo.com/video/53696468
Очуметь, как её везде много, и какая она клёвая smile.gif
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Как она всё успевает!!!!????
Дива!!! ddlove.gif
Can you tell us anything at all about Never After? It looks fantastic!


So a group of women are trying to start a British TV series that is based on the original fairy tales - apparently, the original fairy tales like Red Riding Hood, etc. are different than the ones that we have come to know. And they are fascinated by the idea of fairy tales, and what they were originally intended for, which was (in part) encouraging children to be fearless, to face their fears. So they want to film with various celebrities episodes that are hosted about the various fairy tales as they were originally told. Apparently in the original Red Riding Hood there were originally 2 wolves...
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